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 Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why

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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 00:48

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The stories are real - the monsters are here

TTS #16
The stories are real -
the monsters are here

Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 00:50

me ;D how? 219
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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 00:51

Visiškai laisvas pasiūlymams ;D Žinok mano galva šiuo metu tuščia *shame on me*
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The stories are real - the monsters are here

TTS #16
The stories are real -
the monsters are here

Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 00:52

jei teisingai suprantu esi Dievas, tad gal tu ir būsi tas, kuris paskyrė Melissai žmogų, kurį ji turi saugoti, ir gal jie per metus tapo itin gerais draugais ? 203
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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 00:53

Maniškis tokių įgaliojimų dar neturi xD Per jaunas ir per durnas dar tokiems dalykams. Taip taip taip.
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The stories are real - the monsters are here

TTS #16
The stories are real -
the monsters are here

Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 01:01

vaaargšas xD nu okė, tada gal darome, kad jiedu susipažino danguje, prieš kokius penkerius metus, netyčia susidūrę kokiam nors susibūrime ;D iš pradžių nelabai jie rado bendrą kalbą, gal dėl jų ratelyje buvusio Melissos gerbėjo, kuris ten kišo pagalius į ratus, bet vėliau jiem likus tik dviese, pokalbis įsisuko ir jau po kiek laiko, jiedu buvo vos ne draugai. Tada sekė gana ilga pertrauka nesimatymo, bet po visko susitikus, jie lyg niekur nieko ir vėl pradėjo bendrauti ir iki šiol palaiko itin draugiškus santykius, bei vienas kitam padeda su tais reikalais, apie kuriuos daugeliui nevalia žinoti? nežinau ką čia primaklinau, bet gal tiks ;D o jei ne, sakyk, gal ką kito pagalvosiu ;D 207
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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 01:02

Tinka, nors net ne viską perskaičiau xD
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The stories are real - the monsters are here

TTS #16
The stories are real -
the monsters are here

Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 01:04

129 129 129 tai bleee, galėjau ten prisvaigti 144 144
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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty2017-11-06, 01:06

Geriausi pasiūlymai visada būna iš antro karto, todėl gali nesijaudint xD
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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty
Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why Empty

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Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well and we don't even know why
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